The Olympics. They’re everywhere. They’re also a great reminder of the fact that as marketers we have an opportunity to capitalize on timely events. Whether they’re current events in pop culture, seasonal events like holidays, or industry events like trade shows, taking advantage of time-specific content can provide a huge boost to your marketing.
Here are some of our favorite commercials from the Olympics this year:
Farmer’s Insurance – “Synchronized Swimming Dogs”
Honorable mention: For knowing your audience. Everyone is watching the Olympics and everyone likes dogs. Win/Win.
Milk Life – “Mother’s Notes”
Bronze medal honor: For anyone who loves their mom. And bonus points for milk advertising that goes beyond the phrase, “got milk?”
United – “One Journey, Two Teams”
Silver medal honor: For uniting the nation in sports excellence and travel convenience. United Airlines knows a thing or two about bringing people together.
P&G – “Thank you, Mom – Strong”
Gold medal honor: For being the tearjerker that makes us want to call our moms.
Reese’s – “Do Summer like a Winter Olympian”
Michael Phelps’ 28-medal honor: For proving yet again that just because you’re good at one thing, doesn’t mean you’re good at everything. Makes us feel like we could be Olympians if only we tried the right sport. For now, we’ll continue the Olympic sport of eating Reese’s in mass quantities.
What are some of your favorite Olympic commercials? Keep an eye out for unforeseen opportunities that you can leverage to make an impression.